Thursday, August 23, 2012

Geocaching Trackables

We won this trackable by being the first to find
a new geocache south of Kearney.
We put this out May 4, 2012 and it has gone
195 miles and is in northern Iowa.

We just got this one.  It is named:
Nebraska Youth Camp Traveler
Its mission to visit other camps

This is the back side with the tracking number
and instructions.

This is the other side of our geocoin

This is a picture of the first traveler we put out on Feb. 20, 2011
It is named:  "4 Wheel "Rockin" Travel GPS
It has traveled 910 miles and is currently north of Chicago.

This is a picture of "Nebraska Travel Ingot"
I took it to Iowa to place and lost it somewhere.

It has traveled only 102 miles since Sept. 11, 2011
and is currently in a geocache at the Bassway Strip

This is a picture of a print out of our
"Nebraska Travel Slug"
It has traveled 2,568 miles since August 18, 2011
and is somewhere in northern Nevada

This is a Geocoin we carry with us on our adventures.
It has traveled 8,900 miles since March 3, 2011.

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